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5th Annual Teaching Expo: Craft, Pedagogy and Discourse Analysis

5th Annual Teaching Expo: Craft, Pedagogy and Discourse Analysis

Dipietro, C., L. Heller and D. Millerson. Craft, Pedagogy and Discourse Analysis, 5th Annual Teaching Expo, OCAD University, 2019

The project Thinking Through Craft and the Digital Turn examines re- and deskilling as they pertain to craft and the digital turn. This session evolved from two OCAD U pilot studies which surveyed students, faculty, technicians and administrators who facilitate and use both traditional craft processes and digital tools. Session attendees looked at samples of student work and used discourse analysis to further understanding of the results of the pilot projects. The presentation began with a review of discourse analysis, followed by an interactive exercise with practical examples. The participants were asked to consider what discourse analysis can mean within an art and design university context.

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